Fix & Flip Loans

RD Advisors' fix & flip program provides the funding that borrowers need to purchase and rehabilitate a property with speed and flexibility.
Property Types
Single Family Homes, Multifamilies, Condominiums, and Mixed Use Properties
Loan Amount 1
$200,000 – $3,000,000
Starting Interest Rate
Advance Rate on Purchase
Up to 85%
Advance Rate on Renovation Costs
Maximum Loan to After Repair Value (LTARV)
Term Length
3 – 18 months
Full Recourse
Origination Points
Expected Closing Time 2
10 days
Desktop / Third Party
Prepay Penalty
Extension Available
Cross Collateral Accepted?
Minimum FICO
  1. On any single transaction
  2. This only reflects an expected closing time. Actual closing times vary.

This is not an offer to make a loan. Rates advertised are the lowest currently offered for qualified borrowers only. Actual rates and offers may change at any time at the discretion of RD Advisors. In addition, actual leverage, rates and other terms may vary based on approval criteria, including but not limited to FICO score, credit and background checks, previous experience, and period of ownership.

Broker-Dealer Services provided through Pickwick Capital Partners, LLC ( – Member FINRA ( and SIPC ( – 445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601914.358.3269.